What To Do When Your Child Knocks Out A Tooth?

Children are prone to getting their teeth bumped, loosened or knocked out because of how active they are. As they learn to walk, it is common for them to fall and hit their mouths or even get hurt. Although it is rare for them to experience severe damage, there is always a chance of a bump to their oral cavity causing a broken or chipped tooth. The older and more active your child, the higher chances of them knocking out their entire tooth.

What to Do When Your Toddler’s Front Teeth Are Knocked Out?

If your child’s front teeth are knocked out, you need to act quickly. Usually, you need to see your dentist within the next 1-2 hours. The first thing to do is to look around for the tooth or the broken-off fragment. If you can find the tooth, that’s great. If not, that is not the end of the world. Once you locate the tooth, here are some options that will follow:

  1. You can store the knocked-out tooth in a sealed container or a zip-top bag. Ensure that you submerge the entire tooth in liquid. The best options are contact solution, milk or saline. You can use tap water tht has a pinch of salt if you do not have any of them.
  2. If the tooth is completely knocked-out in one peace, with the root still attached, you can try putting the tooth back into your child’s socket. However, this option isn’t appropriate if you are dealing with a squirmy child who might swallow their tooth or a baby tooth where its root is already starting to resorb/shrink. If this is the case, then use option one.

Call the dental office immediately so they can arrange to see you at the pediatric dental clinic  or provide instructions on what you can do while at home. Depending on the fracture’s severity, they may guide you through home care and see you within the next few days.

Since dental trauma can knock your child’s teeth loos, monitoring them over the next couple of weeks is necessary. However, signs of a dying nerve or abscess may not appear until some time. If they show, then the dentist at Smiles pediatric dentistry may opt to treat, monitor or remove the baby teeth so that it does not damage the adult one underneath.

What to Do When a Permanent Tooth Is Knocked Out or Loose?

When your child’s permanent tooth s knocked out, you have to think about the future of your child’s smile. Everyone relies on their permanent teeth to speak and chew, so losing one can seriously affect their daily activities and confidence. The extra space created by the knocked-out teeth can also lead to orthodontic complications.

Any time your child has knocked out or loose permanent chipped teeth, you need to call your dentist. Threatening a knocked out or lost permanent tooth requires timely attention to avoid serious side effects.

When this happens to your child’s permanent tooth should first locate the tooth. If it is a fragment, place it in a glass of milk or, as explained above. Then take it with you to your pediatric dental office in Kennewick, WA, within the next hour to see if your dentist can bind the broken piece back to your child’s teeth. If it’s the whole tooth with its root intact, gently rinse off any debris, ensuring that you do not scrub or touch the root surface. Only handle it by the crown, the white part. And at this point, you can:

  1. Store the  knocked out tooth in a sealed container with saline or milk covering the whole surface
  2. and attempt to re-insert the tooth root back into its socket. Please do not force it. If the tooth does not go back in, revert to option one.

Once you get to Family Dental Centre, the best kids’ dental, your pediatric dentist will evaluate the extent of the damage and discuss the treatment plan. They can try to re-insert the tooth back and use an adjacent tooth as a point to stabilize it as it reintegrates with your bone. Otherwise, the dentist may perform a root canal to avoid losing the teeth completely.

All You Need to Know About Composite Edge Bonding

What is Composite Edge Bonding?

Composite edge bonding is part of our cosmetic dentistry in Kennewick procedures. It involves applying tooth-colored resin on the edge of the tooth to correct chipped teeth, stained teeth, and gaps between teeth. Composite edge bonding is a quick and easy way to improve your smile.

Five Things to Know About Composite Edge Bonding

  • Direct composite bonding is an in-and-out procedure.

Direct composite bonding is a fast procedure that utilizes dental composites to correct damage and close gaps between teeth. The composites are applied in layers until the desired shape is achieved. The composites are then polished to match the rest of the tooth. A single dental visit is all it takes to complete this procedure. While no anesthetic is required for the procedure, discussing your options with your dentist before undergoing it is a good idea.

The advantages of direct composite bonding over dental crowns are that it does not involve the removal of enamel, making it a less invasive procedure than dental crowns or veneers. The composite resin is color-matched to the tooth, making the final result look natural. It also costs less than porcelain veneers or dental crowns.

  • It is a cost-effective solution.

The process straightens out the edges of your teeth and fills in gaps. The composite used is custom-matched to your teeth’s color and shape. The procedure can improve the look of your bottom teeth as well. However, the procedure does not replace orthodontics in Kennewick as it cannot correct crooked or misaligned teeth.

While porcelain veneers are expensive, composite edge bonding can be a practical, long-lasting solution. The edge bonding procedure is pain-free and does not require drilling or injections in your natural teeth. Instead, your dentist will apply a thin layer of composite resin to the tooth’s surface.

  • It can correct minor position problems.

Composite edge bonding can improve the look of bottom teeth, but it is not a solution for major misalignment. Unlike other procedures, composite bonding corrects minor position problems without affecting natural teeth. Composite bonding can even improve the aesthetics of a patient’s smile by correcting minor position problems while maintaining the natural function of the teeth. However, before performing this procedure, a dentist should consider the patient’s bite and how the top and bottom teeth meet. Also, patients who grind their teeth should not have composite bonding done.

  • It is porous and prone to staining.

The downside of composite edge bonding is its susceptibility to staining. Because it is not made of natural teeth, it is porous and is not as biocompatible as natural teeth. As a result, it will stain over time. However, regular dental care can reduce staining risks.

  • It is not as durable as natural tooth enamel.

Although composite edge bonding is a durable material, it is not as long-lasting as porcelain veneers. Crowns, on the other hand, are much longer-lasting. In addition, veneers are stain-resistant, whereas composite bonding is not. Therefore, proper brushing and diet are required to maintain composite edge bonding. Besides, composite edge bonding isn’t as attractive as natural tooth enamel.

While composite edge bonding is not as durable as natural teeth, it can last for several years with proper oral hygiene.

What are Bonding Aftercare Tips?

Bonding is not as sturdy as veneers or crowns, and it is more likely to chip or stain and typically lasts for 3 to 5 years before it needs to be replaced. The material used for tooth bonding does tend to stain over time, so you must be careful not to chew on anything hard. Nevertheless, keeping your new bonding looking beautiful is easy as long as you practice proper oral hygiene. Also, avoid hard and sticky foods, brush and floss regularly, and visit the dentist in Kennewick, WA, for regular checkups.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit A Family Dental Centre for more information about composite edge bonding and what to expect during the procedure.

Essential Precautions after Getting Tooth Fillings

Restoring a cavity is straightforward with dental fillings. After removing a tooth cavity, the exposed tooth enamel becomes susceptible to inviting additional holes. Fillings don’t just restore your tooth to make them look normal after getting a dental filling in Kennewick but also help protect your teeth over time.


After getting dental fillings to restore your permanently damaged tooth from cosmetic dentistry, Kennewick, you must take precautions to ensure the filler remains in place and your mouth doesn’t feel uncomfortable after the anesthesia wears off. This article provides tips on the precautions you must take after getting dental fillings.


Take Care to Avoid Biting Your Cheeks


You receive regional anesthesia to deaden the area around the affected tooth before receiving dental fillings. While you might want to eat after the filling procedure, the dentist in Kennewick, WA, recommends waiting for the anesthesia to wear off before you eat with the restored tooth. The suggestion is to ensure you don’t bite your cheeks while they are numb. You can accidentally bite on your cheeks, tongue, or the sides of your mouth if you try eating with numbness. Instead, you can use the other side of the mouth for eating until you feel better. Unfortunately, if you can’t feel both sides of the mouth because you received multiple fillings, get a smoothie to satisfy your appetite.


Sensitivity To Temperatures


You might find it soothing to have a hot cup of tea or coffee after dental fillings. While dentists do not recommend avoiding hot drinks, they suggest you remain careful if you have numbness in the entire mouth. It can be challenging to detect the temperature of the liquids when your mouth is numb, and you might not realize you have burned your mouth until you swallow or feel discomfort in your throat. Therefore you must remain careful with hot beverages until the anesthesia wears off.


Having Foods with Dental Fillings


Silver amalgam and composite resin or tooth-colored fillings are not similar. If you received silver amalgam fillings, you must avoid chewing with the restored tooth for 24 hours after receiving the filler. In addition, if the filler is placed on one side of the mouth, you must chew on the opposite side to ensure it sets well and doesn’t dislodge easily after placement. Tooth-colored fillings provide more flexibility allowing you to begin chewing with the restored tooth soon after the anesthesia wears off. Chewing with the restored tooth is permitted after receiving composite resin tooth-colored fillings.


Gum Sensitivity


The anesthesia is injected into the gums, indicating that the area will experience soreness after the procedure remaining with you for a day or two. However, the filling starts subsiding without keeping you waiting. Unfortunately, if you received a dental filling on the side of a tooth, the area might experience more sensitivity resulting in dull aches near the site of the filling for a few days.


You might experience gum sensitivity if the cavity removed was close to a nerve in the gums. However, the sensitivity subsides shortly without remaining debilitating or distracting you throughout the day.


Dental Hygiene


Receiving fillings for cavities is essential because the bacteria creates permanent damage in a tooth without any mechanism to heal itself. After restoring a cavity, you must ensure that you take excellent care of your teeth to help manage and prevent cavities efficiently. The excellent care you provide your teeth also helps save money from additional filling costs later.


After receiving fillers in your tooth, an essential thing to remember is to remain proactive with your dental hygiene routine. For example, ensure that you brush two times daily, floss at least once before or after brushing your teeth, and use mouthwash to curb harmful mouth bacteria besides lousy breath. If you incorporate the essential steps of maintaining an excellent dental hygiene routine and get dental prophylaxis every six months from your dentist, you can rest assured you won’t have to visit dental practices reporting discomfort in a specific tooth because of additional cavities.


Restoring cavities is an essential requirement, and the only treatment available for achieving your goal successfully is dental fillings. However, an even better remedy is to prevent cavities from developing in your mouth by incorporating the suggested dental hygiene practices to help you preserve your oral health and save money.


If you have holes in a tooth and need restorations, A Family Dental Center can help you receive dental fillings to effectively protect your tooth. Please do not hesitate to visit the practice for tooth restorations from cavities.

Recovery After a Dental Crown Procedure

Accidents and injuries can leave your teeth weak and vulnerable to cavities and might require some protection. This is where a dental crown procedure comes in. This painless treatment is used by the dentist in Kennewick, WA, to offer protection, restore your tooth’s shape and cover the tooth. It is an alternative that the family dentist near you can recommend after a tooth filling has failed. This article will give you all the vital information concerning a dental crown procedure and how long it will take for you to recover from this treatment process.

Dental Crown Procedures

There are two dental crown procedures; one is where the dentist will fix the dental crown in one day, whereas in the other, you will have to visit the dentist for two appointments to get the job done.

For the one-day crown installation, the dentist utilizes computer-aided software to design a custom-made crown that will fit well on your teeth. This procedure will take approximately 15 minutes, and the dental crown will be ready.

For the two-day dental appointment, the first visit involves the dentist taking x-rays of your tooth and jawbone to determine if there are signs of decay and other issues that could hinder the success of the treatment. If you have a missing tooth or teeth, the dentist can recommend a tooth bridge that could go well with the dental crowns as they will be able to replace the missing teeth. Tooth bridges are used where there is a dental arch caused by a missing tooth.

The next process is reshaping the tooth to allow room for the crown. The amount of tooth to be reshaped is dependent on the type of crown that will be used. For instance, metallic crowns are thinner than porcelain crowns, which means they require less space.

After the reshaping is done, an impression of the affected tooth is taken to ensure it matches well with the patient’s bite. An impression is made using a paste that will hold the tooth’s shape. Moreover, the dentist also records the color of your tooth to match the color of the surrounding teeth. You wouldn’t want to have one tooth that is whiter than the rest.

The dentist puts a temporary crown to protect your tooth before the permanent crown is constructed.

Once the permanent crown is made in the laboratory, you are notified so that the dentist can place it over your tooth. At the second visit, the dentist will check how well the crown fits on your tooth and your bite.

During the dental crown installation, the dentist will numb the area where the dental crown will be placed. The next step is to fix the crown over your tooth and cement it using dental cement. Small adjustments can be made to ensure the patient’s bite is not affected.

Dental Crown Aftercare

There are guidelines that your dentist will give you once the dental crown is in place. First, you should avoid sticky and hard foods during the first twenty-four hours after the dental crown therapy. This is because eating hard foods can dislodge the crown.

On top of that, it is important to take care of your oral health as it dictates how fast you will recover from the treatment. For example, you should gently use your dental floss by sliding it after use instead of lifting it as you can dislodge the dental crown.

It would be best if you also used a warm saltwater rinse for the first few days after installing the crown. The warm salt water rinse is important as it reduces the bacteria in the mouth and keeps bad breath at bay.

However, you might feel some discomfort after the anesthesia begins to wear off, which is usually normal. Although this is the case, if the sensitivity or discomfort persists, notify the emergency dentist near you so that he can take a look at your tooth to ensure no decay was left on the tooth.

If you follow the above guidelines, your tooth will be good after a few days. However, look out for any allergic reaction that can affect your gums and head to A Family Dental Centre, and our dentists will fix the problem for you.

How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity in Kids

Although you should prioritize it the same way, dental care for children differs from that of adults. The primary reason is that adults have a greater pain tolerance than children. Therefore, parents are more likely to respond hastily to their children’s dental needs than their own. If you see your child in dental pain, consider visiting a family dentist in Kennewick for diagnosis and treatment.

Tooth Sensitivity for Children

Tooth sensitivity can make it very unbearable for anyone, leave alone children. The sensitivity causes dull or sharp pain in your mouth when exposed to high or low temperatures. When your child experiences a heightened sensitivity to hot or cold foods, the important thing is to get to the root cause of the problem.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

A dentist in pediatric dentistry in Kennewick, WA, will tell you that many factors can contribute to heightened tooth sensitivity for children. The following are the most common ones:

  1. Early stages of dental cavities – when a dental carie is yet to develop on a tooth, your child will experience hypersensitivity. Sometimes a tooth cavity can develop without signs of darkening or browning of the tooth enamel. The early signs of oral cavities can be white spots on a tooth, typically noticed by a dentist during a dental exam.
  2. Cracked or broken tooth – although tooth fractures damage the external framework of a tooth, it is not always the case. A crack or break can cause hypersensitivity if there is nerve damage. It is especially the case if the crack is due to dental injury or accident.
  3. New teeth erupting – whether your child is developing teeth for the first time or growing permanent teeth after losing baby teeth, the process can be uncomfortable. Although many children experience sore gums, pain, and swelling, others can experience sensitivity. The sensitivity can be due to exposure to air, not just hot or cold foods.
  4. Enamel thinning – although it is common among adults, children too can experience enamel thinning. It occurs for kids when they consume many sugary foods that increase acidity in the mouth. Increased acidity wears down teeth’ enamel and can cause hypersensitivity.
  5. Sinus infection – did you know that sinuses can cause teeth hypersensitivity? Any condition that makes the roof of the mouth tender, including allergies and sinus infections can lead to hypersensitivity.

Solutions for Pediatric Tooth Sensitivity

Even though you may not fully prevent dental problems from occurring, there are measures you can take to protect your child’s oral health. Dentists in Kennewick, WA, are big on preventive dentistry for children, creating great foundations that will help them excel in oral health in the long term. Some solutions we offer in our dental offices at A Family Dental Centre are:

  1. Use sensitive-friendly teeth products for children – especially regarding toothpaste and brushes. Find soft-bristled toothbrushes that will not be too abrasive to aggravate teeth sensitivity.
  2. Fluoride treatment – dentists administer this treatment to strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of dental cavities. Fluoride creates an extra layer of protection over teeth, playing a major role in overcoming tooth sensitivity. Besides, fluoride treatment can help reverse the development of cavities in the early stages.
  3. Dental sealants – sealants for sensitive teeth are often for adult treatments, but children can benefit too. Dental sealants also create a barrier of protection over the chewing surfaces of teeth. It reduces direct contact with foods, hence reducing sensitivity. The good news is that sealants for teeth last a long time, protecting your child’s teeth for the next 5 or so years.
  4. Routine dental exams – allowing a pediatric dentist to examine and evaluate your kid’s oral health will help identify any anomalies early. The dentist can prioritize preventive care by covering cavity-prone parts of the oral cavity.
  5. Regular dental cleanings – other than all preventive dental protocols to protect teeth, dental cleanings are crucial for overcoming sensitivity in children. Cleanings rid the mouth of plaque and tartar that cause dental cavities and other oral infections. If you take up routine dental cleanings, they will compliment your child’s oral hygiene routines at home.

Dental Implant for Diabetic Patient

Diabetes is among the most prevalent diseases today. It is a chronic health condition that affects how your body converts food into energy. Therefore, it affects almost every part of your body, either directly or indirectly. It’s safe to say that your oral health will also be affected, so you might need to visit our Kennewick dentist regularly.

Since diabetes affects your oral health, you might have reservations about getting dental care, especially if you need surgical dentistry in Kennewick. Surgical dental procedures such as getting dental implants in Kennewick, CA, are done with much care.

But the main concern for any patient with diabetes is whether getting implants is a good idea. So, let’s find out!

Why Go for Implants?

Dental implants in Kennewick, CA, come with several benefits, such as restored tooth function, improved speech, etc. But the one that makes implants stand out is stability. The tooth implant is surgically inserted into your jawbone, acting as the new tooth root.

That’s why most dentists recommend dental implants. What’s more, they will give you a much better experience than dentures. Dentures are known for causing gum irritation, inflammation, and infection. You don’t wish to have gum irritation and inflammation when you have diabetes!

Getting implants will eliminate the irritation, infections, and inflammation that dentures cause. In fact, tooth implants might do much more and improve your dental health.

Even though dental implants can improve your oral health, you might need special pre-and post-dental implant care to increase the chances of success.

How Does Diabetes Affect Implant Surgery Success?

Chronic conditions such as diabetes have a knack for creating additional risks during surgical conditions. One of the top concerns when dealing with diabetes is how the disease affects the body’s healing process.

As you may already know, diabetes will cause impairment in insulin production, the hormone that enables your cells to absorb and use glucose in the bloodstream. When blood sugar levels are constantly high, it will impair the function of the white blood cells.

White blood cells (WBCs) are a critical part of the immune system. When your white blood cells are unable to function as they should, the body might not be capable of fighting bacteria and close wounds.

What’s more, you might experience poor circulation since it affects the blood vessels. So, when there is poor circulation, it might take time before nutrients reach the wounds.

Now that you have a picture of how diabetes affects your healing process, you can understand why you should expect healing to take nearly twice as long as people who don’t suffer from the disease.

One last thing; diabetes might affect bone formation around the tooth implant, so there is a risk of post-surgical infection.

Given the risks that diabetes poses, you might assume that the chances of success are close to zero. But that’s not the case, as research shows otherwise.

The Key to Success: Keep Diabetes Under Control

A plethora of studies shows that the key to success is controlling your diabetes. The cases where the patients have controlled diabetes, they have no more risks of failures or complications than non-diabetic patients. Therefore, the converse is true; if you have uncontrolled diabetes, there will be a higher chance of post-procedure infection and dental implant failure.

Our Kennewick dentist will always ascertain whether your diabetes is under control. If it’s not, then surgery is off the table!

Since diabetes affects your healing process, you must keep it under control. Tooth implants rely on your body’s healing ability for the jaw to integrate with the implant. Also, the gums have to heal to help keep the implant in place and keep bacteria and food from reaching the jawbone.

Tooth Implants Are the Best Solution If You Have Diabetes

Healthy diets for people with diabetes always include fresh and whole foods that need more chewing. Therefore, the permanent nature of tooth implants may come as an added advantage since you will have an easier time chewing foods than dentures.

Dentures are prone to shifting in the mouth, causing sores and gum tenderness. So, if you go for tooth implants, you will be killing two birds with one stone; you will be replacing a tooth and improving your overall health.

Contact us at A Family Dental Centre if you are interested in knowing more about tooth implants.

Few reasons for an emergency tooth extraction

You may have visited a dentist, and they recommended tooth extraction as a treatment option for your damaged tooth. What exactly is tooth extraction? It is a procedure by a dentist or oral surgeon whereby your damaged tooth is pulled out.

Some reasons would warrant an emergency tooth extraction. A tooth has to be extracted if the damage is beyond repair.

If you have a loose tooth that is severely damaged, you need to visit the dental clinic in Kennewick to determine if you are the perfect candidate for tooth extraction.

A dentist will examine the extent of damage to the teeth and see if you are the perfect candidate for tooth extraction or if you may benefit from other procedures. If the damage is not much, you can benefit from other alternatives such as tooth filling, root canal, or dental implants.

Why would you need a tooth extraction?

Your permanent teeth were meant to last a lifetime, although there are some reasons why you would need to have them extracted.

Some of these reasons include a dental infection from prolonged gum inflation. If left untreated, the damage to the teeth may be beyond repair such that the only option is tooth extraction.

Another reason will be if you have crowded teeth. If you suffer from misalignment due to a lot of teeth on your jaw, the Kennewick dentist may recommend tooth extraction to create space for other teeth to grow.

If you suffer from tooth damage caused by decay, the extent of the damage may be too great for other dental procedures other than a tooth extraction. This is necessary to prevent decay from infecting adjacent teeth.

In addition to that, if you have abnormal teeth growth, where some teeth have failed to erupt from the gums, a dentist may recommend tooth extraction as the procedure for you. This is because the affected teeth are more prone to gum inflation and infection.

When you fall and hurt yout teeth during an injury, the impact can cause your teeth to fracture, leading to toothache and sensitivity. If you have suffered an injury under the gum, then your dentist may pick tooth extraction as the right treatment option for you.

When is tooth extraction an emergency?

A lot of the time, people do not see dental procedures as emergencies. However, there are instances whereby you will need to visit an emergency dentist in Kennewick to fix your dental issue.
Such instances include if you have suffered an injury and have pain in your tooth. This is essential to ensure that the injury does not progress to something bigger.

If repair is not possible, your dentist will recommend an emergency tooth extraction. Sometimes, the injury will have caused you to have a broken tooth under the gum line. This will call for an urgent visit to a dentist who will perform a tooth extraction in Kennewick.

You may feel like a broken tooth is not an emergency; however, it is vital to call a dentist to set up an appointment for an exam and further evaluation. If left untreated, problems such as decay and infection may stem from it.

Have you experienced persistent toothache that has made your life less fun? Do not hesitate to visit Family Dental Care Centre, and we will relieve the pain, treat the issue and bring back your smile.

Tooth extraction aftercare

The recovery time from tooth extraction is largely dependent on the complexity of your case. For most people, that is usually in a couple of days.

The jawbone, however, will take several weeks to heal completely. This recovery time is essential before any other dental procedures can be carried out.

There are some instructions and guidelines to ensure that the recovery is quick and that complications do not occur afterward. You will go over this list with your Kennewick dentist to ensure that you understand what is expected of you.

These instructions include making food restrictions for a few days.You should avoid hard and crunchy foods for at least some days.

It is also very important to take all the prescribed medicine as directed. These may include pain relievers and antibiotics.

You should keep the extraction site clean. This is done using an antimicrobial mouthwash two to three times a day.

Advantages of Immediate Dental Implant Placement

Dental implants have helped replace missing teeth for over four decades, delivering aesthetically pleasing results compared to removable or fixed partial dentures. In reality, dental implants success rivals that of fixed partials. Unfortunately, many dental offices and patients have avoided implants because of the lengthy treatment process requiring multiple visits to dentists over an entire year in some cases.

Thankfully an increasing number of dental offices are currently utilizing same-day dental implant placement with immediate loading. The immediate loading technique is beneficial both for dentists and patients because they reduce the number of visits required and shorten the time needed for patients to have their implants placed.

What Is the Feature of Immediate Implant Placement and Loading?

Before implants are inserted, any remaining teeth, if existent, need removal. The immediate implant placement procedure entails placing the implant immediately after tooth removal. It indicates implant placement occurs in a fresh tooth socket. Dental implant success has increased dramatically over the years when utilizing this procedure.

Placing a restoration within 48 hours after implant placement is the procedure for immediate loading. However, the establishment of primary stability is essential to apply the technique. Therefore, the acronym for quick loading is immediate function.

Benefits for Patients and Dentists with Quick Dental Implant Placement

The demand for faster treatment from patients encouraged dental professionals to develop the techniques for immediate implant placement and loading. In addition, patients expressed reluctance to spend months or more displaying gaps in their mouths to seek the immediate dental implant placement procedure from the Kennewick dentist, providing them with a solution to hide the gaps in their mouths.

Patients alone did not benefit from the immediate load procedure because it also allowed dentists to satisfy patient’s desires not to display gaps in their mouths immediately after having a tooth extracted. Besides the above, the immediate load procedure benefited dentists and patients tremendously by delivering:

  • Shortened Treatment Time:the introduction of restorations soon after tooth extraction significantly reduced the overall treatment time than earlier.
  • Predictable Results:Patients desire predictable results with any dental procedure. The use of the quick load procedure from dental implants in Kennewick, WA, reduces the risks of additional surgical procedures from complications such as resorbed ridges that might arise during dental visits.
  • Simplified Procedures:Patients experienced a simplified procedure because any preparation needed to occur before applying the technique.
  • Patient Satisfaction:the immediate dental implant placement procedure required patients to undergo merely one dental process to achieve the desired aesthetic results faster. The system also improved patient’s post-operative experience because they no longer had to endure multiple surgeries.
  • USP for Dental Practices:Promoting immediate dental implant placement and loading proved as a unique selling point for the surgical dentist in Kennewick, WA, to set their dental practice apart from the rest.

Factors to Consider before Immediate Dental Implant Placement and Loading

Patients and dentists must both consider various factors before utilizing the immediate load dental implant placement and loading similar to any other dental procedure. A few things can influence the outcome of the treatment. However, these are not merely relevant to the immediate implant procedure and apply to any implant treatment. The factors to consider include proper treatment planning ahead of time, bone quality and density, initial stability, accurate implant placement, allowing adequate healing time after the procedure besides careful patient selection.

Choosing the appropriate dental implant system is essential to the long-term success of immediate dental implant placement with loading. Patients approaching the Kennewick dentist receive state-of-the-art dental implants besides other products to close gaps in their mouths soon after having teeth removed or trying to replace missing teeth.

The immediate load procedure provides patients with replacements for their extracted or missing teeth immediately without having to wait for weeks or months before they can close the edentulous gaps in their mouth. The procedure doesn’t require multiple visits to dental offices because dentists provide replacement teeth immediately after embedding the dental implant. However, patients must remember the replacement teeth provided immediately are temporary and need replacements sometime later when the dental implant has integrated with the jawbone. Besides the temporary inconvenience of getting the temporary teeth replaced, patients can continue using the replacement teeth they received immediately after tooth removal, like their natural teeth.

Patients needing stable tooth replacements immediately with dental implants can schedule an appointment with A Family Dental Center to discuss immediate load dental implant and artificial teeth in a single appointment at the dentist’s office.

Effectiveness of LANAP Laser Gum Surgery

We are frequently asked questions by patients experiencing gum problems about the LANAP technology we use. The questions include how elective the LANAP Laser is, how it works, and compares to more traditional treatments. The questions are good, and some of the answers are actually in the name LANAP. The name stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure.

The new attachment refers to how the laser treatment motivates the branch of your healthy gum tissues to the jawbone and mouth. The new attachment is essential in treating gum or periodontal disease. This is because gum disease results from an infection in the gums or the regular attachments being damaged. Also, when your teeth become loose.

Traditionally treating this problem during periodontal treatment takes a long time, as it relies on gum healing naturally. However, when our dentist in Kennewick, WA, uses LANAP to help treat gum issues, bringing about some benefits. The laser creates new attachments by refreshing your healthy gum tissues and improving the rate at which your gum is healing.

We proudly say that we are LANAP certified at the A Family Dental Center. So, when you visit us with gum disease, you’ll be treated by qualified and experienced professional dentists who will use the most current laser technologies available.

LANAP for Gum Surgery

The traditional way used to treat gum disease is called osseous surgery. During this surgery at the dental office, your dentist uses scalpels to eliminate the diseased gum tissues. They’ll then focus on any infected pockets in the gums or the bone and surgically remove them.

Afterward, they’ll use sutures to reshape the gums around your teeth without the pockets. This is usually an effective procedure. However, it is more invasive, has a lengthy recovery period, and can lead to pain and discomfort during healing.

LANAP is used in treating gum tissues. It eliminates the darker affected gum tissue with a high light frequency. The laser helps in killing any present bacteria in the mouth. This helps encourage the growth of new tissues in the mouth and speed up the healing process.

Applying LANAP laser will help the patient in experiencing minor trauma during the removal of the diseased gum tissues than during osseous surgery. It also helps restore healthy tissue and a better path towards healing.

Effectiveness of LANAP

When you undergo the LANAP procedure, you’ll experience some positive results. You’ll have less tooth loss after laser surgery as compared to the traditional one. It also increases new attachments of tissues between the bone and gum after treatment. LANAP procedure aid in gum recreation too for patients with periodontal disease.

LANAP for periodontal diseases serves a long-term success. Patients who get their LANAP procedure from our dentistry in Kennewick, 99336, show less recurrence of their gum disease over a long time than patients treated with traditional surgery. Going for laser gum surgery near you ensures that the roots of your teeth and the bone are protected from future infections and get rid of bacteria that cause gum disease. Also, patients of LANAP get an easy time with dental care remedies and are advised on ways to prevent gum disease in the future.

Does LANAP Help Regrow Gum and Bone?

LANAP may perhaps regrow the gum and bone but not exactly regrow them. It instead creates the perfect conditions to speed your regenerative healing process naturally.

There is no sewing and cutting during LANAP to recover from, so healing the tissues will be much easier. The laser applied helps in sterilizing the area leading to better recovery. The light frequency leads to quicker growth of the new tissue in bone and gums treated. There’s some clinical evidence shown for bone regeneration after using LANAP for periodontal disease. Scientists are still doing their research for the understanding of complete regeneration.

However, if you’re suffering from severe periodontal disease, you can go for guided bone regeneration.

LANAP treatment gives a turnaround dental experience to patients with gum disease. In addition, it offers ready solutions to problems that were deemed untreatable traditionally.

It is recommended that you go for laser gum surgery if you suffer from gum disease. The treatment will help you get over the pain and discomfort associated with periodontal disease.

101 On Smoothlase Facial Rejuvenation

Your skin is like a canvas. It can speak volumes regarding your health, lifestyle, and even age. The truth of the matter is, no matter how well you take care of your skin, the effects of aging will show at some point.

Skin issues such as sagging facial skin, wrinkles, and lines can alter your appearance and, in turn, affect your confidence and self-esteem. Everyone longs to look their best, and a terrific way to do so is to have flawless, healthy, and radiant-looking skin.

Facial wrinkles and lines set in because, over time, your skin loses collagen, forcing it to sag and look older. However, the fantastic news is that you can get your flawless, radiant, and youthful skin back.

You can achieve this by undergoing facial rejuvenation treatment at our cosmetic dentistry in Kennewick. We offer an excellent facial rejuvenation treatment as part of our cosmetic dental treatment known as the Smoothlase Facial Rejuvenation treatment.

The Smoothlase facial rejuvenation treatment has proven to be a phenomenal facial rejuvenation treatment. So what really is the Smoothlase facial rejuvenation treatment all about? Let’s take a detailed glimpse into this facial treatment beginning with details and how it works.

Smoothlase Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

If you are interested in getting firmer and radiant-looking skin but do not wish to go under the knife, the Smoothlase facial treatment is what you need. This facial treatment offers our patients a non-invasive alternative to achieving firmer and younger-looking skin.

Smoothlase is a non-invasive laser skin treatment designed to increase and boost collagen production, particularly around the mouth and cheeks, where skin crease and wrinkles appear with time.

This facial rejuvenation treatment utilizes the Fotona LightWalker laser system used in other cosmetic dental treatment procedures. The laser is applied from the inside of the mouth to firm the tissue around the mouth and cheeks. The laser generates heat that promotes collagen regeneration and production within the targeted region.

The Fotona LightWalker laser is designed with a grid-like pattern that can precisely target the skin tissues and bring about a noticeable increase in collagen production within the area being worked on.

This skin rejuvenation treatment can be utilized to treat and reverse the effects of aging within the following areas:

  • Cheeks
  • Chin
  • Mouth
  • Lips
  • Jawline area
  • Underneath the eyes

What Should You Anticipate During The Procedure?

This skin rejuvenation treatment can be referred to as an intraoral procedure. It is effective on patients who have mild or moderate facial sagging, lines, or wrinkles.

Our dentist will begin your procedure after determining that you qualify to undergo this procedure. You will be provided with some protective eyewear to wear during the duration of the treatment.

Ideally, your session will be about 30 minutes, and our dentist will apply the laser to the problematic areas you wish to address. You should know that this procedure is non-invasive, and you will therefore not need to undergo any form of sedation before the procedure.

If anything, you should expect to have a smooth and pain-free procedure with zero downtime after that. This means that you can opt to have this rejuvenation treatment done whenever you want because it will not affect your work performance or productivity the next day.

Some patients may experience mild sensitivity, tingling, swelling, and soreness after the treatment; however, this should last for only a few days, then you can wear your radiant skin without a glitch.

To get outstanding results, you may need to undergo several treatments that will be scheduled at least three weeks apart. This is because you need to ensure that the newly produced collagen forms before undergoing another round of treatment.

This procedure could be approximately $800 to $2400, depending on the number of sessions you will have to undergo to realize your desired results.

Effectiveness of the Treatment

The Smoothlase rejuvenation treatment is effective, particularly if used to remedy mild to moderate wrinkles, creases, lines, and sagging effects on the skin. The results are noticeable gradually and will last even longer than the results achieved using fillers.

For the treatment to be effective, you will have to undergo several procedures spaced out within three to four weeks each. With every treatment you undergo, your skin will look younger and radiant.

Benefits of the Smoothlase Treatment

  • Zero downtime after the procedure, which means you can carry on with your normal routine right after your treatment
  • Significant and noticeable changes on the skin are achieved
  • The results set in gradually and are not alarming, making it an inconspicuous skin rejuvenation treatment
  • It’s a non-invasive procedure which means there will be no need to undergo any form of surgery or sedation before the procedure

Contact us today at A Family Dental Center if you desire to undergo the Smoothlase facial rejuvenation treatment.