Laser Gum Surgery VS. Traditional Surgery

Did you know one out of every two adults in America aged 30 and above has periodontal disease? It is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue and bone that supports teeth.

The patients struggling with periodontal disease need to decide between laser and traditional surgeries. Although both are effective options, it is integral that you know the key differences between two before digging into one of these.

Remember beautiful smile come with healthy teeth and gums. It also gives you a confidence boost, makes you look younger, and boost your image in special settings. So make sure you treat it before it’s too late.

Difference between Traditional and Laser Treatment

1. Scalpel

During traditional gum surgery, the dentist removes bacteria and cuts the diseased gum tissue using a scalpel. This will offer access to the roots of teeth for proper cleaning and bone reshaping.

He or she then uses sutures to secure the gums in its correct place. In fact, patients need to take anesthetic – this makes flap surgery more painful.

However, LANAP® is a minimally invasive process for treating gum disease. Also, the laser is gentle – it means no scalpel, gum cutting or stitches. It is perfect for those that want to treat their affected gums with minimal discomfort.

2. Preservation of Healthy Gums

During scalp surgery, healthy gum and bone tissue get ruined in the process. Also, inflammation, and massive bleeding are common. In a few cases, grafting is required to re-attach gum tissue to the tooth roots. Loss of healthy tissue also poses aesthetic issues and boosted tooth sensitivity.

On the other hand, laser technology is used to remove the diseased tissue and deadly bacteria from the gum pockets while maintaining the health of gum tissue close to it.

After cleaning the pocket, dentists use a laser to compress tissue against the root surface. Finally, the tissue is sealed using a fibrin cloth. This lowers the risk of sensitivity, bleeding, and infection in the future.

3. New Bone Growth

Many studies and researches have claimed that Laser-assisted new attachment procedure can help gum tissue to re-attach to the roots of teeth. It triggers new bone growth around your existing teeth. However, this is not the case with scalpel surgery.

4. Recovery Time

Traditional gum surgery means plenty of packing between gums and sutures. When patients wake up, they typically need prescription pain medicine to get rid of soreness. It means a long recovery time.

However, laser surgery takes approximately two hours. Only treated areas are numbed using a local anesthetic. Also, the patients can expect a recovery time of one day. This makes patients return to their everyday routine instantly.

5. Fear

Severe cases of periodontitis require the dentist to cut the affected gum tissue for access to the periodontal pocket. Gumline recession is typically between 10-15 mm. The entire process creates fear in the minds of patients.

However, laser gum surgery eliminates the anxiety and fear of seeing a periodontist for gum disease. It is because there is no gum line recession.

Laser Gum Surgery Pros and Cons

Laser gum surgery is a great alternative to traditional scalpel surgery. Here are the reasons why:


  • FDA-approved gum surgery alternative
  • Safe for everyone
  • No need for injection
  • Gum disease can be treated in one visit
  • Minimal pain, anxiety and infection risk
  • Reduced swelling, tooth sensitivity, and bleeding
  • Preserve healthy tooth during cavity removal
  • Fast healing time
  • No compromise to smile


  • Can’t be used on teeth with fillings
  • A laser does not work in case of too much tooth decay
  • You cannot use laser in the common dental processes like filling cavities, treat old fillings, and large cavities.
  • Patients with silver fillings, defective crowns, or those who need to prepare teeth for bridges can’t use it
  • Do not eliminate the need for anesthesia
  • Costly process

Wrapping Up:

Do you find chewing painful or have receding gums? If yes, it’s likely that you have gum disease. It is silent and in some cases does show any signs till the last stages. Therefore, in order to guard your teeth, it’s wise to treat it early using gum surgery.

There are two options for it: laser or scalpel surgery. For both the processes, it is paramount for the patients to follow the advice of dentists to reduce post-surgery complications. Hunt a qualified dentist in your area that performs best gum treatments. He or she can help you decide which one is perfect for you.