Dental Implants 101: Why You Need It & Alternatives
Despite the improvement in dental care and the advancement of medical science, a significant number of Americans suffer from dental ailments and tooth loss due to decay or periodontal diseases. It is evident that if you do not take care of your teeth, you run the risk of losing them permanently.
The teeth are one of the most used body parts and constant exposure to numerous food sources. Maintaining proper oral hygiene can wade off some of the reasons for dental decay. Of late, the only treatment for tooth loss was dental bridges or dentures. The achievement of medical science has enabled you to get dental implants that are replacement of teeth.
What are Dental Implants?
Implants are replacement of natural tooth and provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are artificially prepared to resemble your natural teeth. The implant is a surgical fixture placed into the jawbone that fuses in due time. They serve as roots to hold the bridge or artificial tooth. Once in place, the implants enable the dentists to mount replacement teeth on them. Due to sore spots or poor ridges, ordinary bridges might not be comfortable, but the implants fit perfectly in place and provide a strong base for dentures.
Before Treatment Care
When the dentist has suggested or prescribed for a dental implant, you might need to go through some regulations. You can use toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss to clean your teeth. Paying a regular visit to your doctor is also essential to maintain the shape and appearance of the implant.
Rinsing mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash can keep the germs at bay. The last thing you want before a dental implant is being down with an infection. You can take antibiotics as prescribed by your physician. Unless you are having IV sedation, you can also have a heavy breakfast before undergoing an implant. You can also clear the schedule for the rest of the day. Having ample rest can ease off the mild pain and fasten the healing process.
You might be bothered about the pain and discomfort, but persons who underwent dental implants have testified of minimal discomfort.
Types of Implants
Two types of dental implants are in practice here.
#1: Endosteal Implant
These implants are placed in the jawbone. Endosteal implants are the most commonly used implants. The implants are made of titanium and resemble small screws. The dentists can place the bridges or dentures on these implants.
#2: Subperiosteal Implants
In subperiosteal implants, the implants are placed under the gums but on or above the jawbones. F you do not have enough healthy jawbones, then subperiosteal implants are perfect for you. In such a case, you need not go for bone augmentation procedure to rebuild your jaws to support the implants.
Success Ratio of Dental Implant
Although the success rates of dental implants vary according to the patient or the placement of the implant. The rate of success varies in the case of a single tooth implant or a full implant. With proper care and maintenance, implants can last a lifetime, and surveys have revealed the success rates of implants to be 98%.
Almost all leading insurance firms provide their coverage for undergoing dental implants, and you can consult them to choose a viable medical plan. The major factors contributing to failures of dental implants are hormonal imbalance, chronic infectious disease, patients under the administration of immunosuppressive therapy, and drug or alcohol addicts. If you are not among these, the success rates of dental implants are high.
Age, the diameter of the implant, length of the implant, bone quality, and region of the implant are some of the determining factors for success rates of implants.
Alternative Technique for Dental Implants
When you decide on the replacement of your natural tooth, you might consider dental implants as a superior method. You can also go for full mouth or partial dentures or opt for dental bridges as an alternative technique.
A Family Dental Centre
Excellent dental care, family-oriented service, and personalized approach are bound to make Family Dental Centre your first choice. Apart from dental implants, we offer tooth extraction, wisdom tooth removal, and dentures, amongst other services.
If you reside in Kennewick, we offer free implant consultation to let you know all the minute details before you undergo implants. You can reach us to book your appointment.